
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Balance Training in Recreational Gym Users Essay

Balance Training in Recreational Gym Users - Essay Example Questionnaires are used to provide information on demographics and participation in balance activity within a gym setting. Questionnaires are a cost-effective form of the survey, easy to analyze, non-confrontational and a familiar format for participants to complete. They are a good way of obtaining data with reduced bias (Walonick 2004). They have been used previously to ascertain balance training participation and behavior both as an isolated activity (McInnes 2004) and also as part of the multi-modal regimen (Resnick 2000). They are also effective for the measurement of variables such as motivation, barriers to, and promoters of balance exercise (Kline 2000). The convenience of the setting of the gym and the availability of participants already predisposed to regular exercise informs the choice of venue at which to conduct the survey. Biases such as difficulty with transport or aversion to exercise, generally, are reduced by the said choice of venue. In the absence of sampling frames and population lists, 120 recreational gym users were approached in an effort to provide a representative sample of gym users. All participants who took part in the survey were gym users, male and female, aged 20-80 years. Participants are surveyed from this age range as literature has shown the benefits in reduction of injury rates and falls from balance exercise in the young and elderly ( see for example Handall 2001, Hong 2000). Each respondent had been a member of the gym for more than 12 months and reported attendance of once a week or more. The absence of population lists and sampling frames means it is not possible to determine whether the gender difference (or similarities) is a reflection of the gym user population. A minimum of 85 questionnaires was completed to produce a power calculation of greater than 80% in relation to the aims of the study, as specified by Altman,1991.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evaluate Research on Conformity Making Reference to 2 Studies Essay Example for Free

Evaluate Research on Conformity Making Reference to 2 Studies Essay Conformity is the tendency to adjust one’s thoughts, feelings or behaviour in ways that are in agreement with those of a particular individual or group, or with accepted standards about how a person should behave in specific situations (social norms). It is also the key ways that a society or culture passes down its values or behaviours to its peers through an indirect form of social influence. Deusch and Gerald (1995) first presented that the reasons of people conforming is due to two factors that are information social influence and normative social influences. Information social influence is based on the ways people cognitively process information about specific situations. Normative social influence is based on our nature as social animals, and our need to be accepted and to ‘belong’ in society. Individuals often conform to avoid rejection and gain social approval within society. Festinger (1954) also agreed that people evaluate their own opinions and judgement through social comparisons, which is when the individual compares themselves to the peers around them When one realizes that others are not behaving in the same way, or think differently, it leads to anxiety, which is known as cognitive dissonance. In order to test for conformity, Asch carried a test where the subject was given a simple task of matching a length of line to one of three other comparison lines. The control subjects (who were able to take the test alone without any confederates) that served as the comparison to the variable (the individual who was tested for conformity) made almost no errors. In the experimental condition, one individual was tested but were surrounded by seven other confederates of the experimenter, who were told to give wrong estimates almost 70% of the trials. The subject was also second to last giving their answers, so that they were faced either giving their own opinion or conforming to the group. The average rate of conformity was 32%. 74% conformed at least once and 26% never conformed. In order to identity factors influencing conformity, Asch conducted variations to his experiment. Asch found out that with only one confederate, only 3% of the participant conformed, and with two confederates the rate rose to 14% and with three confederates, it rose to 32%. Larger groups did not increase the rate of conformity. Unanimity was an another factor, where conformity was more prominent when all the confederates agreed. If one of the confederates disagreed, the participant was less likely to conform. The difficulty of the task also increased conformity. Also when the participant was given the choice to write down their response, conformity decreased. Confidence and self-esteem was another significant role in influencing the participants, as people with high confidence strongly believed in their opinion, and were less likely to conform. However, even the participants that did not conform still felt strong social pressure. Although these results were quite reliable to a certain extent, there were multiple criticism towards the experiment. The experiment was considered ‘artificial’ with low ecological validity. There were also ‘demanding characteristics,’ where the participant may have changed their behaviour in order to please researchers. Also there was a lack in cultural diversity as the experiment may only represent the US in 1940-1950s. Because the individuals were placed in deception and anxiety, it also resulted in ethic concerns. Also, there were ethic concerns as the individuals were placed in deception and anxiety. Berry (1967) suggested that conformity is required by their respective survival level economics. Low food receiving societies tend to produce self-reliant independent individuals, while high food producing societies are group reliant and dependent. He also proved his theory by using a variation of Asch’s experiment through using samples of the Temne Sierra Leone and the Inuit people of Canada. Hunting and fishing in Eskimos show great tolerance in disciplining children, therefore resulting in independent and risk taking individuals. Rich farming Temne people apply strict disciplinary measures, resulting in more dependent and group reliant individuals. Therefore the experiment resulted that the Temne people of Sierra Leone conformed significantly more than the Inuit people of Canada, probably because of the economic differences. The Temne people usually had to survive on a single crop that is harvested by all the people in the society, therefore requiring each other’s trust and coordination of effort. . The culture also mainly focuses on agreement and harmony. Consensus is less present in Inuit culture as their economy is based on continual hunting and gathering on a relatively individual basis. However sometimes, there have been several examples of minority commitment to a view not held by the majority throughout the 20th century. This includes women’s right’s to vote in civil rights movement, environmental movement etc. Also research proved that minority opinions are significant in a group’s decision-making process. Groupthink happens when someone in a group suggest an idea, and everyone accepts the idea without considering other possible opinions It represents the group members having concordant opinions in an issue, resulting in not seeking alternative or disagreeing opinions, often because optimism prevents their decisions from becoming successful.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Solving the Redundancy Allocation Problem using Tabu Search

Solving the Redundancy Allocation Problem using Tabu Search Efficiently Solving the Redundancy Allocation Problem using Tabu Search Abstract The redundancy allocation problem is a common and extensively studied program involving system design, reliability engineering and operations research. There is an ever increasing need to find efficient solutions to this reliability optimization problem because many telecommunications (and other) systems are becoming more complex while the development schedules are limited. To provide solutions to this, a tabu search meta-heuristic has been developed and successfully. Tabu search is a perfect solution to this problem as it has a lot of advantages compared to alternative methods. Tabu search can be used for more complex problem domain compared to the mathematical programming methods. Tabu search is more efficient than the population based search methodologies such as genetic algorithms. In this paper, Tabu search is used on three different problems in comparison to the integer programming and genetic algorithm solutions and the results show that tabu search has more benefits while sol ving these problems. INTRODUCTION of Articles Redundancy allocation problem(RAP) is a popular and a complex reliability design problem. The problem has been solved using different optimization approaches. Tabu search(TS) has more advantages over the other approaches but has not been tested for its effectiveness. In this paper a TS is used to solve a problem, called TSRAP, and the results are compared to the other approaches. The RAP is used for designs that have large assemblies and are manufactured using off-the shelf components and also have high reliability requirements. Solutions to the RAP problem has the optimal combination of component selections. Mathematical programming techniques have proven to be successful in finding solutions to these problems. Unfortunately, these problems have some constraints which are necessary for the optimization process but not for the actual engineering design process. Genetic Algorithms have proven to be a better alternative to the mathematical programming technique and has provided excellent results. Despite this, genetic algorithms is a population based search requiring the evaluation of multiple prospective solutions because of which a more efficient approach to this problem is desired. TS is an alternative to these optimization methods that has been optimized by GA. Its a simple solution technique that proceeds through successive iterations by considering neighboring moves. In this paper the TS method is used on three different problems and the results are compared with the alternate optimization methods. TS is not like GA, which is population based, instead it successively moves from solution to solution. This helps increase the efficiency of the method. The most commonly studied design configuration for RAP is the series parallel problem. The example of the design is shown below. Nomenclature R(t, x) = system reliability at time t, depending on x; xij = quantity of the jth available component used in subsystem i; mi = number of available components for subsystem i; s = number of subsystems; nmax,i = ni à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ nmax,ià ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€š ¬i; C(x) = system cost as a function of x; W(x) = system weight as a function of x; C, W, R = system-level constraint limits for cost,weight, and reliability; k = minimum number of operating components required for subsystem; ÃŽÂ »ij = parameter for exponential distribution, fij(t) = ÃŽÂ »ij exp(à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ijt); Fj = feasible solutions contained on the tabu list; Tj = total number of solutions on the tabu list; à Ã‚ j = feasibility ratio, à Ã‚ j = Fj/Tj . Explanation of the work presented in journal articles The RAP function can be formulated with system reliability as the objective function or in the constraint set. Problem(p1) maximizes the system reliability and problem(p2) maximizes the system cost. The TS requires determination of a tabu list of unavailable moves as it successively proceeds from one step to another. For the series parallel system, the encoding is a permutation code of size à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœi=1 s nmax, I representing the list of components in each subsystem including nonused components. The tabu list length is reset every 20 iterations to an integer value distributed uniformly between [s, 3s] and [14s,18s] for Problems (P1) (s = 14) and (P2) (s = 2), respectively. TSRAP is done through four steps. The first step involves generating a feasible random initial solution. S integers are chosen from the discrete uniform distribution, representing the number of components in parallel for each subsystem. Using this procedure, a solution is produced with an average number of components per subsystem. It becomes the initial solution if feasible, else the whole process is repeated. The second step checks for possible defined moves for each subsystem in the neighborhood. The TSRAP that allows component mixing within the subsystem allows for its first move to change the number of a particular component type by adding or subtracting one. The TSRAP that does not allow component mixing involves changing the number of components by adding or subtracting one for all individual subsystems. These moves are advantageous as they do not require re-calculation of the entire system reliability. The best among the two types of moves that are performed independently are selected. The selected move is the best move available, hence it is called best move. If the solution is TABU and the solution is not better than the best so far solution then it is disallowed and step 1 is repeated, else it is accepted. The third step involves updating the Tabu list. To check for the feasibility of an entry in the Tabu list, the system cost and weight are stored with the subsystem structure involved in the move within the tabu list. The fourth and the final step is checking for the stopping criterion. It is the maximum number of iterations without finding an improvement in the best feasible so far. When reached at a solution, the search is completed and the best feasible so far is the is the TSRAP recommended solution. An adaptive penalty method has been developed for problems solved by TS as they prove to give better solutions. The objective function for the infeasible solution is penalized by using subtractive or additive penalty function. A light penalty is imposed on the infeasible solutions within the NFT region( Near Feasible Treshold) and heavily penalized beyond it. The penalized objective function is based on the unpenalized objective function, the degree of infeasibility and information from the TS short-term and long-term memory. The objective function is for problem 1: Rp(to;x) is the penalized objective function. The un penalized system reliability of the best solution so far is represented by Rall and Rfeas represents the system reliability of the best feasible solution found so far. If Rall and Rfeas are equal or close to each other in value then the search continues, else if Rall is greater then Rfeas, there is a difficulty in finding the feasible solutions and the penalty is made larger to filter the search into the feasible region. Similarly, the objective function for problem 2 is: Cp(x) is the penalized objective function. Call is the unpenalized (feasible or infeasible) system cost of the best solution found so far, and Cfeas is the system cost of the best feasible solution found so far. Discussion of Contributions The most important contribution is that as a result of this paper it is now proved that the Tabu search is a more efficient method that the mathematical programming technique and the genetic algorithms. The penalization method was used which proved to give better results too. As a result of this paper, complex problem domains can now be optimized better using the Tabu search. As a result of this paper, weve come to realize that TSRAP is better in performance and results in greater efficiency than GA although they are almost similar in procedures. Due to the short schedules to find the optimal solution for complex redundancy allocation problems, Tabu search is found to be the most efficient approach. Discussion of Dificiency and Potential Improvements Although an unexploited approach to find the optimal solution has been tried and tested to be efficient, there is potential for future scope. In this paper , the TS approach used is rather simple in a way that few factors that could have been were not incorporated. Features that are normally used such as candidate lists and long term memory strategies which prove to be more effective were not used. The use of these features can prove to be more efficient in complex problems. There are opportunities for improved effectiveness and efficiency by considering the addition of these features to the TS devised  here. Summary TS has previously been demonstrated to be a successful optimization approach for many diverse problem domains. So, TS approach , as a result of this paper has been tried and tested to be more efficient approach to the complex problems domain of the redundancy allocation problem. The use of penalty function in this research has promoted the search in the infeasible region by changing the NFT. In this paper, TS has been tested in three different problems and has provided more efficient results than the other alternative methods. When compared, the TS produces better results than the genetic algorithm method. In spite of this, the use of features such as candidate lists and long term memory strategies could have been to be more effective in complex problem domains. References Bellman, R.E. and Dreyfus, E. (1962) Applied Dynamic Programming,  Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Bland, J.A. (1998a) Memory-based technique for optimal structural design.  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 11(3), 319-  325. Bland, J.A. (1998b) Structural design optimization with reliability constraints  using tabu search. Engineering Optimization, 30(1), 55-74. Brooks, R.R., Iyengar, S.S. and Rai, S. (1997) Minimizing cost of redundant  sensor-systems with non-monotone and monotone search  algorithms, in Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability  Symposium, IEEE, New York, pp. 307-313. Bulfin, R.L. and Liu, C.Y. (1985) Optimal allocation of redundant components  for large systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 34, 241-247. Chern, M.S. (1992) On the computational complexity of reliability redundancy  allocation in a series system. Operations Research Letters,11, 309-315.  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Wed Searching Behaviour of Students :: Essays Papers

Wed Searching Behaviour of Students In the article â€Å"A visit to the information mall: web searching behavior of high school students†, the authors aimed at describing the searching behavior of high school students and recommending changes in the design of the web that may improve the learning experience of students (Fidel et al, 1999). The authors conducted a field research to analyze the web-searching behavior of high school students for the three weekly assignments. The field research was a case study involving activities including: observation in class and at the terminal with students thinking aloud; interviews with various participants including students, the teacher who assigned the assignments, the one and only one librarian and the principal of the school; and discussions within research team. 8 students who enrolled in a horticulture class voluntarily participated in the research for the team members to observe them searching online information on a one-on-one basis and interview them at the end of the observation period. Since the students were observed in the horticulture class for three successive weeks and not all the 8 students were present during the three weeks, the team totally observed 21 search sessions in the observation period. After recording observations and interviews, the authors found that the students performed focused searching, in which they just looked for information to accomplish the assignments without deviating from this task such as guiding searches according to assignment sheets and ignoring entertaining diversions on the screen. The authors also discovered that the students performed swift and flexible searching, where they scanned sites quickly and determined the relevance of sites by skimming the first screen and the graphics of the sites. In order to make sure that one can always start a new search and ask for help, the students used landmarks to continue exploring new sites with a safe and familiar site. Overall, they were satisfied with their searches and results but impatient with slow response. The reasons why the students enjoyed searching the web were because the web had a variety of formats such as pictures and sounds, covered a multitude of subjects, and provided easy access to information. However, the authors had also observed that the students encountered difficulties while searching, by which the authors considered that it implied the need for training to students, teachers and all involved and the need for designing the web to customize user seeking and searching behavior in order to improve the

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Changing police culture Essay

The New Zealand police for the last 30 years has faced an unfriendly and an unprofessional police culture that has infringed on both the rights of fellow police offices and those of the society as a whole. This culture of open and fear less sexual misconduct and harassment of women through rape and other forms of sexual assaults. Reports indicate that most of the alleged perpetrators of these violence are high ranking policemen like the police commissioner himself. In the year 2007, the police commissioner gave findings on changing the police culture to give confidence to the public on the utility of the New Zealand police. There rests several critical elements that could hinder successful implementation of the recommendations by Margaret Bazley commission. First and foremost, I think the time lapse when the New Zealand police had started committing these types of insults had created a different culture amongst them. Culture in this respect means a shared organizational values and beliefs as well as norms that guide the action of individuals. Most of it was concentrated within the police force itself with policewomen victims of their colleagues. This is a major critical point towards the implementation of the police culture change. It therefore needs to be taken on board to achieve results for the New Zealand police and their acceptable conduct. In addition to this, the tradition that what they used to do was right according to them it portrayd a major challenge to abandon such behaviors. Their socialization and mental orientation become a stumbling block to a swift adoption of a crime free police force. Changing a culture is a process that needs time and it goes in steps. The other challenge is engraved on leadership and the wide spread misconduct of the police force across all ranks up to the commissioner. This goes ahead to crimes committed in the vicinity of the police commissioner and no action is taken. This confirms that down to the juniors, the situation is incomparable. For there to be positive change, I think there must be a radical move that exempts none of the alleged victims. The biggest problem now arises on who among them arrests the victims. Organizational culture involves status assumption in organizations with the leaders being assumed to be role models. With the findings of the investigate magazine, it reaffirms that only top ranking police officers were the perpetrators of sexual violence against their colleagues. A police cover is the worst the police can ever trade with on matters of public interest. In most organizations, bureaucracy is the order and that this cannot be assumed neither altered. This is even terrible because it exist with the top ranking officers since they are the source if information to the public. The lack of a purely independent investigative body of handling police complaints against their fellow officers. It is very hard for the police force to investigate itself on matters of social injustice. Even the government itself cannot perform because it still has to protect the reputation of its workers. It is only a body with no vested interests that can give results on dealing with complaint of the police force. The formation of a body with powers to investigate past crimes committed by the police force meant that the current and the ongoing were lawful to be put on hold awaiting investigation. The long procedural process of going back to 1980s up to 2007 gives the police a lot of confidence in terrorizing their colleagues due to the lack of immediacy in handling the allegations that arise. This is because culture unites people psychologically and includes a mission to meet. The threats to successful implementation of the recommendation is the diversity of offenses by the New Zealand policemen. Most officers are alleged to have committed several offenses. Dewar for example was convicted of four charges. It calls for the police commissioner to take radical steps in resolving the conflict since he is part of the problem. None of the junior police officers can accept to be prosecuted unless the police commissioner starts. Based on their previous culture it is hard for them to break the already held norms. It even goes further such that those officers convicted of crimes threaten to resign then it becomes hard to eradicate the culture. The formation of the â€Å"independent complain authority† cannot achieve if the police are not willing. Who will report those cases if the police themselves are already held in one culture? The police commissioner, Mr. Howard Broad was forced to respond to his own allegations of misconduct. He was affected positively and negatively as a leader. On the positive approach, he must have felt challenged that as a role model he had failed his juniors. The best was to try to avoid such suspicious allegations and promise to take responsibility of implementing the entire culture change. The trait theory puts it clearly that leadership is founded on personality. As a human being like any other and having been in a situation of an engraved culture over along time makes him fall in some uncalled for mistakes. However, his colleagues look at him like a teacher. He is very willing to a successful implementation of the recommendation though in a challenging environment. The police commissioner need to take his allegations of his misconduct and reaffirm his colleagues that he is ready to lead like a an example. Leadership is situational so he needs to work hard and give results on culture change. The greatest work ahead of the commissioner is to ask for corporation from the rest of the police. The government has the duty to get a competent person to lead the culture change in the police if Mr. Broad’s efforts are declared inconsequential. Mr. Broad as a leader is fully committed to preserving the reputation of the police however he may be thought of having committed a social misconduct. He says that his role as a police commissioner is to cement the reputation for performance and integrity within the police. This shows how much confident he is in dealing with the scenario. On the other hand, the allegations made on the police commissioner affects his ability negatively. Being the head, many of his junior officers may not take the initiative to listen to his advice. Such will divide the police to those who are loyal to the commissioner and those who are the direct opposite of his commands. This is likely to make work hard for Broad in implementing the recommendations. The inability of Mr Broad to take any action on a pornographic movie shown in his house shows how he is covering his friends. This is likely to persist with other high ranking officers not unless his case brings justice to the aggrieved parties. Here Broads ability is depicted as a failure and even leading the culture change may be hard for him based in people’s knowledge of his behavior. Regarding his personality as the lead team in the culture change, Mr Broad has two wars to fight. First, as the police commissioner he has the role of being an example to the whole New Zealand police. They are supposed to view him as a symbol of unity and service to protect the people of New Zealand. On the other hand, he has the duty to protect the reputation of the whole force on the public and give confidence to the public on their commitment to serving them. From the case leading culture change in New Zealand, there are lessons on the issues of managing culture change. Several issues need to be taken into consideration in the process of reforming persistent behaviors. The interest of reforming the police should be based in recognition of collective attitude of the organization as a whole and sideline the attitude of individual officers. The police need to find evidence on misconduct by some police officers and legally deal with officers condoning inappropriate sexual activity. The New Zealand police management lacked inappropriate policies, procedures and practices to deal with unending cases of sexual misconduct. This encompass the unavailability of standards of work amongst the front line staff. This is a shorcoming of many organizations. According to the inquiry done by Bazley, it found that standards varied across police Districts. This inconsistency resulted to the unavailability of procedures to deal with them. To address this, there needs to be drafted code of conduct for sworn police officers. The quality of investigation is vital in handling complaints against police officer’s. The complaints process on the police should be made public top enhance public confidence on the police. Prompt handling of the complaints is vital in radically driving the culture change. However, the force lacks resources to publicize its findings. The government of New Zealand has the duty to invest in the Public Complaints Authority for it to perform its duties. Changing culture of a police force is a process that also involves sustaining public confidence in the police. Police officers need to adhere and demonstrate standards of ethical and moral behavior. The police management system should comprise technocrats in administration who understand culture and organizational leadership. The management has to portray competence in handling police matters and maintaining a culture that supports police standards. This kind of management is supposed to break the strong bonding amongst the police which hinders them investigate their colleagues. The issue of on duty an off duty remain a problem among the New Zealand police. According to leadership theories, a leader remains a leader to at all costs and that he has a duty to those he leads. With such concerns, the male dominated force needs to view the work of the police to be a full, time job with responsibilities to meet. This operates by enhancing public confidence on the police.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Is America Different Example

Is America Different Example Is America Different – Term Paper Example No: Is America different? Have we shown a pattern of economic and political development that sets apart from other countries? Explain.America is really different as compared to other countries because of a number of reasons. Democratically and economically, America is different from all the other nations of the world. Politically, the difference that is found in American nation is termed as American exceptionalism. America lacks the presence of a class based and ideology based political structure. The political parties that are existent in America are more concerned to the middle class than any other class. They show concern towards capitalism and business and promote them. America has also gained a unique status historically as it has acquired wealth, power, position and dominance over time. The Americans believe in individualism and separate identity and also have a faith that America is among the most blessed states of this world. America is also termed less liberal as politically it emphasizes race, religion and money, which are less regarded by more liberal nations of the world. Economically, America is different from other countries as it is the largest country in terms of economy. America has attracted immigrants from all over the world for its labor market due to which, it is a multicultural nation now. Economic freedom is given to private sector due to which, major decisions can be taken related to the production in America.America as the largest economy and an exceptional state has gained status over time and much struggle can be noticed historically. It is different as economically and politically, it has developed more than any other country of the world.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hyphenating Prefixes

Hyphenating Prefixes Hyphenating Prefixes Hyphenating Prefixes By Maeve Maddox A reader who works with legal transcription has the following question: There seems to be a trend towards having the prefixes and suffixes separate from the modified noun instead of being attached or hyphenated.  What is proper?   Some examples are non negotiable, post surgery, post doctorate, age wise. The examples given present a variety of forms, not all of which represent a prefix+noun combination. The prefix non- is added to nouns of action, condition, or quality with the sense of â€Å"absence, lack of,† or simply â€Å"not.† for example, non-Catholic. Non- is affixed to adjectives to make them negative. Whether to add a hyphen depends upon whether American or British usage is being observed. The OED hyphenates many words that M-W shows written as one word. For example, M-W gives nonnegotiable, but OED has non-negotiable. When it comes to another word in the reader’s list, however, both the OED and M-W agree with postdoctorate, although both prefer postdoctoral. The prefix post- means, â€Å"after† or â€Å"behind.† It is added to adjectives without a hyphen: postcolonial, postsurgical. Post can be used on its own as a preposition meaning, â€Å"after†: â€Å"Your mouth will be extremely dry post surgery.† In this context post is a separate word. Added to a noun to create a descriptor, however, post would require a hyphen: â€Å"Post-surgery care is vitally important.† The suffix -wise means, â€Å"in the manner of† or â€Å"as regards,† as in clockwise, lengthwise, foodwise, etc. This combining form is never separated from the word it’s added to, either by a hyphen or by a space. It can have other meanings, of course. For example, a person is said to be â€Å"penny wise, but pound foolish.† In this context wise is a word that means â€Å"possessing wisdom†; it is not a suffix. Hyphenation is not an exact science. Authorities differ regarding the necessity of a hyphen, but I’m reasonably sure that all agree that suffixes aren’t free agents that can stand apart from the words they belong to. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings)How to Punctuate Descriptions of Colors10 Tips for Clean, Clear Writing

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Doing Interviews with Anonymous Sources

Doing Interviews with Anonymous Sources Whenever possible you want your sources to speak â€Å"on the record.† That means their full name and job title (when relevant) can be used in the news story. But sometimes sources have important reasons – beyond simple shyness - for not wanting to speak on the record. They will agree to be interviewed, but only if they aren’t named in your story. This is called an anonymous source, and the information they provide is typically known as â€Å"off the record.† When Are Anonymous Sources Used? Anonymous sources aren’t necessary – and in fact, are inappropriate - for the vast majority of stories reporters do. Let’s say you’re doing a simple person-on-the-street interview story about how local residents feel about high gas prices. If someone you approach doesn’t want to give their name, you should either convince them to speak on the record or simply interview someone else. There’s absolutely no compelling reason to use anonymous sources in these types of stories. Investigations But when reporters do investigative reports about malfeasance, corruption or even criminal activity, the stakes can be much higher. Sources may risk being ostracized in their community or even fired from their job if they say something controversial or accusatory. These types of stories often require the use of anonymous sources. Example Let’s say you’re investigating allegations that the local mayor has been stealing money from the town treasury. You interview one of the mayor’s top aides, who says the allegations are true. But he’s afraid that if you quote him by name, he’ll be fired. He says he’ll spill the beans about the crooked mayor, but only if you keep his name out of it. What Should You Do? Evaluate the information your source has. Does he have solid evidence the mayor is stealing, or merely a hunch? If he’s got good evidence, then you probably need him as a source.Talk to your source. Ask him how likely it is that he’d be fired if he spoke publicly. Point out that he’d be doing the town a public service by helping to expose a corrupt politician. You may still be able to convince him to go on the record.Find other sources to confirm the story, preferably sources who will speak on the record. This is especially important if your source’s evidence is flimsy. Generally, the more independent sources you have to verify a story, the more solid it is.Talk to your editor or to a more experienced reporter. They can probably shed some light on whether you should use an anonymous source in the story you’re working on. After following these steps, you may decide you still need to use an anonymous source. But remember, anonymous sources don’t have the same credibility as named sources. For this reason, many newspapers have banned the use of anonymous sources entirely. And even papers and news outlets that don’t have such a ban will seldom if ever, publish a story based entirely on anonymous sources. So even if you have to use an anonymous source, always try to find other sources who will speak on the record. The Most Famous Anonymous Source Undoubtedly the most famous anonymous source in the history of American journalism was Deep Throat. That was the nickname given to a source who leaked information to Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as they investigated the Watergate scandal of the Nixon White House. In dramatic, late-night meetings in a Washington, D.C., parking garage, Deep Throat provided Woodward with information on the criminal conspiracy in the government. In exchange, Woodward promised Deep Throat anonymity, and his identity remained a mystery for more than 30 years. Finally, in 2005, Vanity Fair revealed Deep Throat’s identity: Mark Felt, a top FBI official during the Nixon years. But Woodward and Bernstein have pointed out that Deep Throat mostly gave them tips on how to pursue their investigation, or simply confirmed information they had received from other sources. Ben Bradlee, The Washington Posts editor-in-chief during this period, often made a point of forcing Woodward and Bernstein to get multiple sources to confirm their Watergate stories, and, whenever possible, to get those sources to speak on the record. In other words, even the most famous anonymous source in history was no substitute for good, thorough reporting and plenty of on-the-record information.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Module 3 TD-HRM 401 - Recruitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Module 3 TD-HRM 401 - Recruitment - Essay Example Human resource management entails welfare of staff and performance hence through this evaluations will an organization realize its long-term goals. A human resource manager should be able to account for all the employees of a given organization. Plans should be based on performance of each individual. The organization may choose performance appraisal model to determine future cause of action. Each staff is given a target to achieve and when evaluating the actual output is compared to the target given hence giving the management the opportunity to recommendation positively or recommendation for improvement. The performance appraisals will eventually improve individual performance since each staff will be aiming for a reward hence performing above the set standards (Dransfield, 2000). The manager may use the Balanced Scorecard approach in his or her attempt to measure and improve individual performance. The approach links the employee directly to the output of the organization. The improvement of each employee will reflect on the overall performance of the company. The human resource will be compelled in designing formulas that w ill enhance individual performance and at the same time maximize on the potential of each individual. The contemporary performance management is aimed at maximizing employees input and hence maximizing on the organizational

Friday, October 18, 2019

How does the educator demonstrate an understanding of the focus Assignment

How does the educator demonstrate an understanding of the focus learners performance with respect to both learning targets as reflected in the lesson objectives - Assignment Example le for selecting such a resource was forms as the resource was able to exhibit a clear association between learning targets, performance and assessment of the learning instructions. Through the resource it was clear that learning targets played an essential role in assisting teachers to demonstrate a comprehension of the focus learner’s performance in relation to learning targets within the goals of the lesson (Moss & Brookhart 2012). Despite the contributions of the resource various improvements were considered essential. For instance the resource laid more emphasis on the learning targets as opposed to the focus learning performance which is an important aspect that can be engaged by educators in lesson planning and meeting the objectives of the lesson. From the resource utilized various lessons can be learnt by educators. These lessons are important as they will enhance their skills and make them better educators. An important lesson involves the connection between the learning targets and the lessons goals. Through this association the skills of the educators will be enhanced in terms of designing classroom evaluation within the context of lesson planning and understanding (Moss & Brookhart 2012). Moss, M.C. & Brookhart, S.M. (2012). Learning Targets. Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. Retrieved on 20 April, 2015 from,

Probation and Parole Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Probation and Parole - Research Paper Example Community corrections programs offer front and back end alternatives for correctional systems. In reference to front end, alternatives probation has offered a means of limiting further crowding in prisons and jails. On the other hand, parole systems have consistently acted as back end measures that offer release valves on prison populations. The issue of rehabilitative measures for criminal offenders has often elicited much debate in countries such as the United States. To this end, there are several rehabilitation programs that have shown positive results. These, include, Moral Reconation Therapy, probation and parole. Moral Reconation Therapy Moral Reconation Therapy entails a continuous treatment plan that aims at decreasing recidivism among adult and juvenile offenders while at the same time adjusting moral reasoning. To this end, the approach is majorly a cognitive behavior mechanism that combines parameters from various psychological paradigms. These subsequently address positi ve behavior, social, ego and moral growth. Implementation of MRT involves individual and group counseling by use of prescribed homework assignments and structured group exercises. Moreover, there is a workbook that is based on 16 objective units that emphasize on seven basic treatment parameters. These are attitudes, reinforcement of positive habits and behavior; confrontation of beliefs; assessment of current relationships; enhancement of self concept; positive identity formation; development of frustration tolerance and decrease in hedonism; as well as development of higher moral reasoning stages. Probation The application of probation and parole in rehabilitating offenders is guided partly by the philosophies of positivism and classicalism (Carter & Wilkins, 1976). On one hand, positivists imply that offenders are compelled into the choice of committing crime against their own volition and consequently the behavior or conditions that triggered the action need to be rectified. Con versely, classicalists contend that offenders are in control over the choice of their actions and consequently to deter future criminal activities, such offenders need to be punished. To this end, probation is defined as a sanction imposed by court whereby a convicted offender is released back into the community subject to a conditional suspended sentence. Moreover, the probationer is in most situations a non-violent or first time offender who stands the best chance of rehabilitation within the outside community. The suitability and effectiveness of probation is driven by its flexibility in allowing judicial authorities a high extent of discretion when imposing sentences. Consequently, it allows the tailoring of sentences to suit different offenders. Furthermore, its effectiveness is driven by the availability of a supervision that checks on the progress of rehabilitation. The supervision role is provided by probation officers who offer support and guidance to the offender aimed at making him or her law abiding citizen. To this end, probation offers a second chance of reformation to the offender. Evidently, there are several version of probation designed for different types of offenders. This is driven by the need to jails and prisons. These include intensive supervised probation which entails close monitoring of convicts and applies stringent conditions on the release clause. Others include split sentencing

Leadership Reflection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Reflection - Research Paper Example Transformational leadership defines an influence that is â€Å"developing and transforming† to the target group. Its core objective is to empower people and to motivate them towards exploring their developed potentials (Dubrin, 2012, p. 83). The leadership style is further based on assumptions that that people express their allegiance to those who inspire them and that empowerment and motivation is a suitable strategy to success (Rose, n.d). One of the characteristics of the leadership style is the leader’s development of awareness among the led group. This involves informing the people of their environment, their potential rewards, and the worth in the rewards. A transformational leader also develops a collective mentality among people as opposed to individualism. The leader also assists people to derive self-fulfillment in their engagements and to understand dynamism in the environment, factors that facilitate the people’s desire to make necessary changes. The type of leader also commits to high achievements and ensures a developed trust between him or her and the led population besides exhibiting such traits as charisma, â€Å"emotional intelligence,† and support to their followers (Dubrin, 2012, p. 86). The relationship between the leadership style and the personality traits has further been empirically established with more significant features in interpersonal relationship skills and ethical observance in a leader’s interaction with the led group (Dubrin, 2012), aspects that identify concerns and initiatives for developing people’s interest through empowerment and motivation (Eeden, Clilliers and Deventer, n.d.). These characteristics are consistent with results from my leadership assessment. I for example like offering my ideas to people around me and am usually happy when my ideas empower the people towards success. I also inspire people through my interpersonal skills and personal initiatives that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Corporate Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Corporate Strategy - Essay Example It is a company owned by Dipti Mahapatra in India and has been in the business for close to two decades. Having started in the year 1988, this company started out as a small unit with four tailors and has now gone ahead to become one of the most prestigious names in interior decoration in the state of Orissa. The demand for Dipti’s products grew and there was a market for interior decoration. By 1993, Dipti was busy undertaking several turnkey projects for complete furnishing of guest houses, hotels, as well as the Governor’s residences in the state of Orissa. Orissa is a small state in the Eastern part of India. It is cut off from any major development that takes place elsewhere in the country. For this reasons, Dipti wanted to shift. Following are the problems that she has encountered: Before laying down the formal plan of action, it is necessary to understand the elements that will be involved in the strategy that has been developed later in the paper, from the perspective of the company. This will help us understand the exact application of the theories through the length and breadth of the paper. A major part of Dipti’s plan of action must include following a strategy based on gaining competitive advantage as well as achieving sustainable entrepreneurial growth. Let us first examine competitive advantage to see how and where it will fit in with the overall growth and expansion of the Anukul group. Michael E Porter has paved the way for revolutionary strategising trends and a whole new perspective on competition through his competitive advantage theory. In the corporate world, Porters first book Competitive Strategy (1980), which he wrote in his thirties, became an international best seller, and is considered to be an authoritative piece of work on corporate strategy. The book, which has been published in nineteen languages and re-printed approaching sixty times, changed the way business leaders’ minds worked. Further,

Human Activity and Climate Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Activity and Climate Change - Assignment Example Carbon dioxide has been described as one of the most anthropogenic greenhouse gas. That is it is caused by human activity and the influence that they have on the environment. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from 280 parts per million (ppm) before the industrial revolution to 379 ppm3 in 2005. Additionally, the concentration of to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2005 was much greater than the natural range of 180 to 300ppm over the last 650,000 years. This information has been determined from ice cores spanning thousands of years. Continuous measurements show that during the ten years spanning 1995 to 2005 the annual growth rate of the concentration of carbon dioxide was 1.9ppm and this is more than that for the period 1960 to 2005 when the concentration was 1.4ppm. The use of fossil fuel has been found to be the main source of the increased concentration of carbon dioxide ever since the pre-industrial period which dates from 1900 to 1926 with annual emission increasing from an average of 6.4 GIC per annum in the 1990’s to 7.2 per year during the period 2000 to 2005. Greenhouse gas emissions that have been attributed to the change in the way land is used has been found to be significantly less when compared to greenhouse gas emissions from carbon dioxide at a rate of 1.6 GtC per year throughout the 1990’s. However, these estimates According to California Energy Commission, there are three major forms of fossil fuel – coal, oil and natural gas. They have formed millions of years ago during the Carboniferous period which is part of the Paleozoic Era. Carboniferous comes from the word carbon and carbon is the basic element that makes up coal, oil and natural gas. Coal is used to fuel power plants and other factories.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leadership Reflection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Reflection - Research Paper Example Transformational leadership defines an influence that is â€Å"developing and transforming† to the target group. Its core objective is to empower people and to motivate them towards exploring their developed potentials (Dubrin, 2012, p. 83). The leadership style is further based on assumptions that that people express their allegiance to those who inspire them and that empowerment and motivation is a suitable strategy to success (Rose, n.d). One of the characteristics of the leadership style is the leader’s development of awareness among the led group. This involves informing the people of their environment, their potential rewards, and the worth in the rewards. A transformational leader also develops a collective mentality among people as opposed to individualism. The leader also assists people to derive self-fulfillment in their engagements and to understand dynamism in the environment, factors that facilitate the people’s desire to make necessary changes. The type of leader also commits to high achievements and ensures a developed trust between him or her and the led population besides exhibiting such traits as charisma, â€Å"emotional intelligence,† and support to their followers (Dubrin, 2012, p. 86). The relationship between the leadership style and the personality traits has further been empirically established with more significant features in interpersonal relationship skills and ethical observance in a leader’s interaction with the led group (Dubrin, 2012), aspects that identify concerns and initiatives for developing people’s interest through empowerment and motivation (Eeden, Clilliers and Deventer, n.d.). These characteristics are consistent with results from my leadership assessment. I for example like offering my ideas to people around me and am usually happy when my ideas empower the people towards success. I also inspire people through my interpersonal skills and personal initiatives that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Activity and Climate Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Activity and Climate Change - Assignment Example Carbon dioxide has been described as one of the most anthropogenic greenhouse gas. That is it is caused by human activity and the influence that they have on the environment. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from 280 parts per million (ppm) before the industrial revolution to 379 ppm3 in 2005. Additionally, the concentration of to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2005 was much greater than the natural range of 180 to 300ppm over the last 650,000 years. This information has been determined from ice cores spanning thousands of years. Continuous measurements show that during the ten years spanning 1995 to 2005 the annual growth rate of the concentration of carbon dioxide was 1.9ppm and this is more than that for the period 1960 to 2005 when the concentration was 1.4ppm. The use of fossil fuel has been found to be the main source of the increased concentration of carbon dioxide ever since the pre-industrial period which dates from 1900 to 1926 with annual emission increasing from an average of 6.4 GIC per annum in the 1990’s to 7.2 per year during the period 2000 to 2005. Greenhouse gas emissions that have been attributed to the change in the way land is used has been found to be significantly less when compared to greenhouse gas emissions from carbon dioxide at a rate of 1.6 GtC per year throughout the 1990’s. However, these estimates According to California Energy Commission, there are three major forms of fossil fuel – coal, oil and natural gas. They have formed millions of years ago during the Carboniferous period which is part of the Paleozoic Era. Carboniferous comes from the word carbon and carbon is the basic element that makes up coal, oil and natural gas. Coal is used to fuel power plants and other factories.

US History-Westward Expansion Wars & Indians Essay Example for Free

US History-Westward Expansion Wars Indians Essay This paper concentrates upon the historical expansion of the USA over the territory of Native Americans, this process as a series of wars was hard and challenging for both sides. At the beginning of the 19th century, when United States were growing really quickly, expanding the territories to the South, there appeared impediment on their way, namely the territories which used to be the native lands of the Cherokee, Greek, Choctaw, Seminole tribes. For white Americans these people were not defending their own lands, they were causing obstacles for the progressive growth, whereas they needed these lands so much for growing cotton, thus were doing everything possible to make the Federal government to submit the territories of Indians. The main reason of these wars is believed to be the colonial interest of the US. Generally historians describe these events using the term Indian Wars conflicts between the USA and Native Americans or Indians. This term also includes the colonial wars, before the United States were created. During the period starting from the mentioned colonial wars till the American frontier of 1890 Indians had to go thought the process of assimilation, dissimilation and were made to relocate to special places, which were later called Indian reservations. â€Å"One scholar has noted that the more than 40 Indians wars from 1775 till 1890 reportedly claimed the lives of some 45. 000 Indians and 19. 000 of whites†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (J. Tebbel, K. Jennison, 11). Generally talking about Native Indians, we have to underline that actually these were not all the same people, there were some formal unites, that took part in the wars, the main decisions about wars and peace were also taken locally, and there were certain leaders of the alliances. One of the examples can be the Iroquois Confederation. Most scholars nowadays state that it would be too simple and not deep enough to consider these wars as just racial wars between Indian people and American people, the fact was that Indians didn’t struggle only with white people, they also fought with Indians as well. The result of the wars was however rather of single meaning, namely the conquest of the United States of Native Americans. The years from 1622 to 1774 are called colonial era for America. This period of time includes the wars between Native Americans and the USA before the Declaration of independence was issued. Colonial powers in North America had to subdue the resistance of the native people, trying to overcome their hostility. The following 70 years were the wars against the United States that were newly formed. The year 1763 is known for the Pontiac’s Rebellion in the territory of Northwest. The main conflict at that moment with Native Americans was the consequence of not giving up of the tribes from Northwest of the settlement in the Ohio valley. The first couple of attempts of white people was not successful enough to defeat the tribes, but in 1794, during the battle of Fallen Timbers General Anthony Wayne was victorious. In 1830 president Andrew Jackson remade the Indian Removal Act into law. The act itself was not s straight order for relocating Native Americans, but it was pushing them to exchange their lands in the eastern part for those in the west. One of the historians Robert V. Remini stated that the deeds of the president could be explained by his intention to keep national security as the main reason, because at that time Great Britain and Spain started to use the Native Americans for the war with the United States. After the year 1815 the US was pushing the Indians to reservations by Mississippi river, and the result of the mentioned policy was the fact that by 1860 most of the tribes had to relocate. Usually that was not done peacefully; there were fights and strong resistance. For example in order to move the Seminole it was necessary to win several wars for the white Americans. â€Å"The most notable Seminole War involved the celebrated Osceola. Similarly the refusal of the Sac and Fox to be removed led to the Black Hawk War in 1832† (J. Tebbel, K. Jennison, 25). During the years 1823 – 1890 the western part of the Mississippi was the territory of hard resistance from Indian tribes against white settlers, the strongest were the Sioux of the Northern Plains and the Apache of the Southwest. In 1864 the battle called the Sand Greek Massacre took place, as the result around 150 persons were killed or injured. â€Å"The Indians at Sand Greek had been assured, by the US government that they would be safe in the territory they were occupying, but anti-Indian sentiments by white settlers were running high. Later congressional investigations resulted in short-lived U. S. public outcry against the slaughter of the native Americans† (Y. Bill, 137). Later on there was a number of another war conflicts, but as soon as in the year 1887 the Dawes Act was issued the new epoch stared, practically the resistance of the Native Americans was finally broken and the U. S. government succeeded in removing them to reservations. Overall, the epoch of the Indian wars is a huge bloody spot in the history of the USA. One the one hand, being guided by the best aim of progress and development the white Americans did their best in order to remove Indians from their native lands, although the cost for it were thousands of people’s lives. It is not necessary to mention that the interests of Native Americans were not much taken into consideration, and their resistance is practically well founded. Sources: 1. M.Norton. A People A Nation Volume One: to 1877, Seventh Edition, 2004 2. Portrait of America: From the European Discovery of America to the End of Reconstruction by Stephen B. Oates, 2000 3. Taylor, Alan. American Colonies: The Settling of North America (The Penguin History of the United States , Volume I) (History of the USA ), 1999 4. Y. Bill. Indian Wars: The campaign for the American West. Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2005 5. M. Schmitt, D. Brown. Fighting Indians of the West, 1966 6. J. Tebbel, K. Jennison. The American Indian Wars, 1990.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Features Of An Effective Presentation

Features Of An Effective Presentation A presentation is a tool for communicating opinions and ideas of the speaker in front of the group of people. Presentation is very important for any profession like in a business to spread the information about any product launch etc., in teaching and training or so on. Being able to speak efficiently is an asset for any profession. The success of presentation depends on the confidence and capability of a speaker. Anybody can give good presentation just by practicing and preparing for presentation. A can be given in so many ways i.e. it can be oral, PowerPoint presentation, multimedia etc. Good presentations contain these elements: Content : it is the very important element because it contains the information which is needed for a presentation Structure: it is another main element of a presentation because a presentation should have the proper structure i.e. logical beginning, middle and proper end. FEATURE OF AN EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION PURPOSE OF PRESETATION: It is useful to make sure the exact purpose of the presentation. A presentation usually has 4 basic functions: To inform To encourage To persuade To entertain Audience research: Every communication must be in form and style which suits the audience. The tone and the matter of the speech depend upon the nature of the audience. In analysing the audience, age group is very important factor. Different age group respond differently to the presentation. High school children like to be treated as adults they can appreciate sincerity and are not very critical. Visual aids are effective Children love to listen to stories and they appreciate dramatic presentation emotions of joys and sorrows can be aroused through stories. Preparation of the text of the presentation: In any presentation the subject matter of the presentation is very primary concern because the subject and the matter is very important for any presentation without the matter of the presentation any presentation cant be successful. Structuring the subject matter : A presentation has 3 parts the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. Structuring of the text helps the presentation in following ways: Establishing the relationship among ideas Developing the complete arguments Tightening the text as per the time constraints Providing the audience a grip on the subject matter Emphasizing the significant ideas of the theme Stimulating the audience to learn what he or she thinks Registering the important concept with the audience Language and style : The style of the oral presentation is different from the written presentation in any language the difference must be kept in mind while drafting a presentation the style of the presentation must be simple and direct as the conversation. Timing for speech in an oral presentation: The efficient speaker arranges the text of his speech in such a way that till the end of the presentation the listener do not get restless. Also the time of day affects the audience. The afternoon hours hardly make any listener interested to listen to a presentation. But yet an efficient speaker may try to make that session interesting. For keeping to time an efficient speaker takes care of the concentration problem that the audience has with regards to time. Environment for speaking while making presentation: For effective speaking the venue or the place of delivering the speech plays a very important role. The speaker must be aware of the size of the room where he or she has to deliver the speech for an oral presentation. Sometimes the rooms are large and echoing. Speaking in such rooms require less resonating sound. The voice should be a little muffled showing the lower notes. However, it should have the required power. For the acoustically treated rooms the resonance of the speech in an oral presentation has absolutely different kinds of impression on the audience. The speaker should also check his or her voice in the rooms; find it out on his or her own, whether it reaches the last listener sitting at the back row. He or she should also find out how the delivery of the voice is. Has he or she practiced with the microphone? The room should be well-ventilated and well-illuminated. There should not be any distractions to both the speaker and the listeners. The distractions like noise and any other interruptions should not be entertained. The seating layout also determines the voice flow, voice reverberation. Every seating arrangement has its merits and demerits. There is various seating arrangement available. When the audience sits in rows like that in a theatre, there is difficulty in eye contact between the speaker and the listener. The environment is very formal. The horseshoe pattern of seating arrangement is more informal and it helps in increasing participation. The curved rows too hinder proper eye contact. People sitting around tables make it very informal unless the Audience is divided into groups for formal intercourse. INTRODUCTION OF STEVE JOBS STEVE JOBS full name was STEVEN PAUL STEVE JOBS, he was the American entrepreneur. He is known as the co-founder, chairmen and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. apart from that Steve jobs also co-founded the Pixar Animation Studios. He became the member of board of directors in The Walt Disney co. in 2006. Steve jobs founded next a computer platform development co. C:UsersparulDesktopsteve-jobs-quotes-4.jpg STEVE JOBS WAY OF PRESENTATION As everybody knows that the Steve jobs way of presentation is very unique because he not only conveys the information but he inspire the audience he sells the product and sizzles at the same time. Setting the theme of the presentation: Steve jobs always start his presentation by setting the theme like there is something in the air today by saying these words Steve jobs sets the theme of the presentation. Every presentation needs a theme but its not compulsory to give it in the start last year Steve jobs sets the theme about 20 min into his presentation once you set the theme make sure to deliver it several times in the presentation. Demonstrate enthusiasm: Every time when Steve jobs gives the presentation he shows his passion for the computer design. During his presentation he uses the words like cool extraordinary and amazing because always remember the wants to be wowed they dont want to get bored. In giving a presentation always remember to inject your personality into it if you think a particular feature for your product is the awesome because if you are not enthusiastic about your product then how a can a customer shows interest in that product. Provide an outline: Providing the outline to the presentation is again very important. Steve jobs outlined the presentation by saying there are 4 things I want to talk about today. So lets get started. Steve jobs followed his outlines by verbally opening or closing each of the section. Make the list and offer your audience the guide post along the way. Make numbers meaningful: When Steve jobs announced that the apple had sold the 4 million phones, he did not simply leave the number out of context. Instead he says that 20000 phones every day on an average. Numbers do not mean much unless they are placed in context. Try for an unforgettable moment: Unforgettable moment is the moment in your presentation that everyone will be talking about in every Steve jobs presentation the unforgettable moment is always their. Create the experience: Plan and create your ideas in analogy before you starting your presentation. Answer the one question that matters in the listeners mind. Have a clear sense of purpose of presentation. Develop- twitter like headlines. Use the rule of three to create a road map the listener can follow. Always identify your enemy who are against you. Always take intermission in every ten minutes. Deliver the experience: Make your visuals simple, highly visual and completely engaged. Bring statistics to life by providing a contextual framework people can use. Create interested and memorable words in your presentation. Share the stage with your partners. Use props and actual product demonstrations. Have one definitive moment in your presentation. Never forget your second intermission. Refine and rehearse: Never forget how you say something is just as important as what you say . Rehearse and then rehearse some more until you can make it worthless. Dress the convey the impression you are trying to make. Your speech become polished whatever you speak to the audience not your slides. Always have fun- even when things go wrong. Always end with a bang- have an encore which is legendary like one more thing! These all are the secrets of presentation of Steve jobs. The presentations of Steve Jobs are very much like a dramatic play- a finely crafted and rehearsed performance that informs, entertains and inspires. If you are passionate about your topic, you are 80% closer to developing the magnetism that Jobs has. Do not let your ideas die because you failed to present them in a way that sparked the imagination of your listeners. Use Jobs techniques to reach the hearts and minds of everyone you hope to influence.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Benifits Of Technology Essay -- essays research papers

Man, powered by his imagination and inquisitive character, has wondered he mechanisms of Nature since time infinite. This quest for the truth, the ways in which his surrounding works, has led to many a scientific discoveries and innovations. Since the art of making fire and creating handcrafted tools, our civilization has come a long way. Science and Technology are making advances at an amazing rate. From telephones to the Internet, calculators to computers, cars to rockets and satellites, we are submerged in a sea of discoveries and inventions made possible by Science. Fields like Medicine and communications have made inroads into our cultures and thus our lifestyles. So vast is the impact of Science in our lives, that people fear the unthinkable. It leads them to accusations such as Science tries to play God. However, according to Hume, God is part of the order that exists in the universe. If so, then Science is just helping us discover the Almighty, which most people perceive as the Ultimate Truth. To quote Charles Pierce, ""There is one thing even more vital to science than intelligent methods; and that is, the sincere desire to find out the truth, whatever it may be." Repeatedly, it is also heard that we are so dependent on Science and Technology that we who create it are nothing but mere puppets. How can we be the slaves of this great resource? In fact, it would not be wrong to term Science as a friend of Humanity. This faithful friend has come through many a times. We have reaped innumerable benefits out of this friendship. In return, the sacrifices we had to make constituted just a small price in return. This price can be termed as a small token of appreciation for our friend, Science. According to an existential argument, existence precedes essence. If so, then human existence is absurd and unjustified. The goal of a human being then is to justify his existence. We humans tried to take charge of our own lives by choosing to justify its cause. According to Mahlotra, a person who is aware of the fact that by the freedom of choice we have, we are responsible for our actions and performs those actions acknowledging freedom of others too, is the one who shall find meaning in his life. Satre points out for us that a man is nothing else than a series of undertakings, that he is a sum, the organization, the ensemble of the relationsh... ... thus shrink of a thought of war on an enemy. In my opinion, Technology and Science like most things have both the good and the bad side to it. There are definitely certain ethical and legal issues associated with it. However, looking more closely at our world, we find ethics in most of the disciplines including Religion. People can take advantage of any field if they wish to, but our social and political ties prevent most of us from acting in manners considered as taboos. Some people who yet work in ways to disrupt the social structure are often times rejected. Further there are laws in place to guarantee that no one’s right to freedom of choice is infringed upon. Douglas Shrader tries to explain through the Utilitarianism Principle that if an act produces more good than harms for a society, it can be reasoned out as a right thing to do for the society as a whole. Similarly, if we take a balance and weigh the benefits and costs of Science and Technology, we would find that the case is not even close. The benefits far outweigh any costs connected with Technology and Science. In fact, it seems almost impossible now to imagine a world living without its Science and Technology.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Heracles: A Primary Example of Joseph’s Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Essay

THESIS STATEMENT Heracles favorite of the Greeks is a primary example of Joseph’s Campbell’s hero’s journey, proven by all the actions that Heracles has done during the span of his Life. PURPOSE STATEMENT This paper is to show that Heracles is the prime example of a hero’s journey through his actions and the struggles that he faced during his life until he was about to die but instead of death, his father, Zeus, saved him and he conquered the mortal realm, to become a god. INTRODUCTION The story of Heracles that comes to people’s mind is not what Heracles had to do during his life. Throughout the life of Heracles, he has shown that he deserved to be remembered as a great hero, through the opposition that he faced from the husband of Zeus, the king of the gods, wife, Hera, because he was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. Hera is the main reason that Heracles had to complete the 12 labors. Hera caused Heracles to go mad and kill his family. The only way for Heracles to purify himself was to accomplish the 12 labors that was assigned to him by his cousin Eurystheus as the oracle described: â€Å"As atonement for the dreadful killings, the oracles put Heracles in to the servitude of his cousin, King Eurystheus, who would impose upon the young hero the Twelve Labors, seemingly impossible tasks† (Reference book 68). Heracles must have completed these difficult trials to help him return to his usual life The main reason that Hera hated Heracles is because he was the illegitimate son of her husband Zeus. Hera usually would show hatred for woman that Zeus had slept with, but in this case her hatred was for son of the woman. The hatred of Hera is also ironic because Heracles’ names even means â€Å"Glory of Hera†, but with Hera’s h... ...ro. In the Helicon Encyclopedia of Literature they interpret Heracles myth as â€Å"Viewed as the personification of strength, courage, and endurance, Heracles and his legends may have been regarded as an allegory of the triumph of good over evil† (Helicon Encyclopedia). Heracles can be viewed as a story of good vs. evil because Heracles had to overcome the struggles placed on him from his opposition. Some people will believe that Heracles is not a great hero and they criticize Heracles like the poet Tom Sleigh and in his poem. â€Å"[H]is own good opinion of himselfmirrored back indulgentlywhenever he committedsome indiscretion borne of selfishness:† (Sleigh C: 9 L: 12-16). Sleigh is showing that all people don’t have to like or admire Heracles. But according to the mono-myth Heracles is a hero and went through harder things that other heroes didn’t have to complete.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Dream Job

Dream Job Jennifer Tilton Gen 200 April 26, 2010 Jennifer Brodie Dream Job When asked to describe a dream job and why, Marie had a hard time deciphering what the term, â€Å"dream job† meant to her. After substantial thought and self realization, she realized that the dream job for her is the brand operations manager for MAC Cosmetics. The three reasons she chose this area is because of the benefits, the ability to positively impact peoples’ lives and because make-up is her passion. The obvious reason behind any job is for the money. Working as an operations manager is not an easy job and Marie found that one of the largest payoffs for carrying this title is the salary. On average, Brand Operations managers make six figures. Not only is that Marie’s personal salary goal but it is also what she has decided she needs to earn to establish a secure home for a family. The brand operation manager at MAC not only makes big bucks but also has amazing benefits. Marie found that MAC operation managers have about 7 percent of their income going into a 401k and MAC matches that percent. So over about 30 years of saving that amount of money; when Marie is 55, she will have $2,203,880 to retire with. Not many employers will match 100 percent and most employers will only match up to 6 percent of your income. With these types of benefits any operations manager within MAC would be happy and happy manager’s means happy employees. This leads to making an impact on the employees and consumers lives. â€Å"There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment†. Marden, 1850) It’s important for Marie to feel good about what she does in her professional life. Being in such a credible position in such a large company can really move the mark in which ever direction one chooses. If Marie had the opportunity to make a change in the company, it would first be to make a change on the way the managers motivate their employees. She believes that the more positive reinforcement th e employee receives, the better the results that employee will make for the company. She is noticing that most of the motivation being utilized with in the current management is using the scare tactic approach. Yes, it is producing results, and it is also producing very angry managers. She would also move the mark by turning the packaging into green material. By doing this, it will create awareness in consumers and staff to the importance of taking care of the planet. â€Å"Oct. 11, 2007 Eighty percent of young professionals are interested in securing a job that impacts the environment in a positive way, and 92% say they'd give preference to working for a company that is environmentally friendly†. (Anonymous, 2010) â€Å"Passion is an emotion that comes from within you. It is your enthusiasm, your zeal, your drive and your motivation†. Anonymous, 2008) Another major reason for Marie to want to be in this position is because make up has been her passion since she was young and it has been her ultimate dream to work for corporate MAC. Mixing business with pleasure will ultimately lead to happiness because she will be working for a company that she loves and supports. The ability to assist in the development of artists and managers will further develop the company to the standard she had always hoped. If Marie were able to get to the position that will allow her to move the mark in ways that people could never dream of is her ultimate dream. In order for her to accomplish this dream she needs to be a leader in planning, formatting operations and planning the use of materials and human resources will help the company run smoothly. Marie wants to be the sole contributor to the reason MAC becomes a fortune 500 company. While writing this paper, Marie realized that her dream job is to be the manager of retail operations within MAC. It is important for her to be with a company which she has passion for, to move the mark within the company and to make a decent living in the process. Everyone has had managers or people that work within their company that they don’t like, Marie has made a personal commitment to herself that she will never be that manager. She will be the manager she always wished she had and always train the best management for the company. Citations IT Managers. (2008). How passion for your job can lead to success. Retrieved from http://itmanagersinbox. com/1559/how-passion-for-your-job-can-lead-to-success/ Orison Swett Marden. (n. d. ). BrainyQuote. com. Retrieved April 28, 2010, from BrainyQuote. com Web site: Dream Job Tres, United States My dream job, absolute best job in the world, would be working for Bill Gates, and being able to give my advice for a price. He asks me what I think about Longhorn, it sucks, redo it, I get a few million. What do I think about the new apple computers, or OS, it's great, we should copy it don't get caught. I get millions. How could you ask for anything more? Naomi, Australia My dream job would be to work at the United Nations.I would like to work there because I could work in a very multi-cultural environment and I would be allowed to travel a lot and experience many different types of countries and lifestyles. Alan, Canada Ah, my dream job, well, I would like to be an NHL hockey player, and All-Star in the NHL, getting paid millions of dollars a year, scoring a lot of goals. Having lots of people honor me and look up to me and just be a good hockey player. Anita, Taiwan What is my dream job?My dream job is to work in the mass-communication company and I think I'm a very creative person, so I would like to do a job, a very creative job so I think a mass-communication company can let me, let me provide those creative thoughts and ideas. Jim, England Um, my dream job would involve first of all, very, very high salary. I would start work at about 10 am, lunch at 12 for 2 hours, and then work in the afternoon until 4. I think I would spend half the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and then half the year in the Southern Hemisphere, just so I could have summer all year long.Kate, New Zealand My dream job is have my own business. At the moment, I'm really into snowboarding and so I'd love to have a snowboarding tour company. Every year I'm going snowboarding, and I have a lot of experience in teaching snowboarding, instructing, and also I'm at university now so I'm learning how to run my own business, and accounting, et cetera, so I'd love to be a snowboarding, to own my own snowboarding tour company. Dream Job My personal dream job is working in the Information Technology field as a software programmer. Some of those reasons I choose this career are the highly needs in young professionals, the high salary to maintain a stable life and the love of math and science. Firstly, When Vietnam entry WTO, there is a shortage of high-grade young professionals to develop software technology in Vietnam. According to Vietnamese newspapers, there is an increase from 30 to 40% in recruiting workers in many kinds of professions in 2010, especially in Information Technology’s environment is about 12%- the biggest number of all kinds of job’s number.The second major reason of choosing this career is a high salary for a happy life. Indeed, the salary to pay for software programming job in IT field is higher than other jobs. The starting point salary for newcomers is approximately from 3 millions to 4,5 millions Vietnamese dong, about 200 to 300 USD- is an ideal salary for young people nowadays. The last reason why I choose this tough career is because I love to study math and science since I was in high school. As we know that, working with computer involves many things in math and science. I enjoy working with mathematical exercises and exploring new and fascinating things in science.My big goal is how to succeed in my career path including getting job easily in a dynamic environment and moving up in the long run. In order to achieve my first objective, one must is to hold an excellent bachelor’s degree of my major. As employers from large companies always intend to look for candidates who had good achievements in their student’s life. To achieve the second objective, I need to equip other skills-soft-skills- such as teamwork, communication, solving-problem skills etc. Learning other soft skills will help me to succeed in communication at work and soon to be promoted. Dream Job Tres, United States My dream job, absolute best job in the world, would be working for Bill Gates, and being able to give my advice for a price. He asks me what I think about Longhorn, it sucks, redo it, I get a few million. What do I think about the new apple computers, or OS, it's great, we should copy it don't get caught. I get millions. How could you ask for anything more? Naomi, Australia My dream job would be to work at the United Nations.I would like to work there because I could work in a very multi-cultural environment and I would be allowed to travel a lot and experience many different types of countries and lifestyles. Alan, Canada Ah, my dream job, well, I would like to be an NHL hockey player, and All-Star in the NHL, getting paid millions of dollars a year, scoring a lot of goals. Having lots of people honor me and look up to me and just be a good hockey player. Anita, Taiwan What is my dream job?My dream job is to work in the mass-communication company and I think I'm a very creative person, so I would like to do a job, a very creative job so I think a mass-communication company can let me, let me provide those creative thoughts and ideas. Jim, England Um, my dream job would involve first of all, very, very high salary. I would start work at about 10 am, lunch at 12 for 2 hours, and then work in the afternoon until 4. I think I would spend half the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and then half the year in the Southern Hemisphere, just so I could have summer all year long.Kate, New Zealand My dream job is have my own business. At the moment, I'm really into snowboarding and so I'd love to have a snowboarding tour company. Every year I'm going snowboarding, and I have a lot of experience in teaching snowboarding, instructing, and also I'm at university now so I'm learning how to run my own business, and accounting, et cetera, so I'd love to be a snowboarding, to own my own snowboarding tour company. Dream Job My personal dream job is working in the Information Technology field as a software programmer. Some of those reasons I choose this career are the highly needs in young professionals, the high salary to maintain a stable life and the love of math and science. Firstly, When Vietnam entry WTO, there is a shortage of high-grade young professionals to develop software technology in Vietnam. According to Vietnamese newspapers, there is an increase from 30 to 40% in recruiting workers in many kinds of professions in 2010, especially in Information Technology’s environment is about 12%- the biggest number of all kinds of job’s number.The second major reason of choosing this career is a high salary for a happy life. Indeed, the salary to pay for software programming job in IT field is higher than other jobs. The starting point salary for newcomers is approximately from 3 millions to 4,5 millions Vietnamese dong, about 200 to 300 USD- is an ideal salary for young people nowadays. The last reason why I choose this tough career is because I love to study math and science since I was in high school. As we know that, working with computer involves many things in math and science. I enjoy working with mathematical exercises and exploring new and fascinating things in science.My big goal is how to succeed in my career path including getting job easily in a dynamic environment and moving up in the long run. In order to achieve my first objective, one must is to hold an excellent bachelor’s degree of my major. As employers from large companies always intend to look for candidates who had good achievements in their student’s life. To achieve the second objective, I need to equip other skills-soft-skills- such as teamwork, communication, solving-problem skills etc. Learning other soft skills will help me to succeed in communication at work and soon to be promoted.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

College is Worth it in the End Essay

Right now in our century, a college education is no longer an option, but a necessity. Many college students at universities around the world all have one big question when entering into their next step of education. A college student’s biggest problem when entering school is whether or not their college degree is worth going into debt and how they will afford tuition, books, activity fees, etc. There are different opinions from both sides that contain a valid argument. I believe college is definitely worth possibly going into debt. Here are some statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS announced in 2011 that the unemployment rate for people with college credits but no degree was eight point seven percent. That number plummeted to four point nine percent for people who earned a bachelor’s degree and three point six percent for those with a master’s degree. There are salary benefits as well. In that same year, those who did not finish college earned seven hundred nineteen dollars per week, while college graduates earned approximately one thousand fifty-three dollars per week and those with graduate degrees earned one thousand two hundred and sixty-three dollars per week. A growing number of students suffer soaring college debt, many questions are being raised about the value of higher education and the job offerings in a struggling economy (BLS.) The main reason why people go to college is not because they want to but because they have to. Nowadays it is hard to get a decent paying job without a college degree. Going to college and getting a degree does not necessarily guarantee that a student is going to get a job right after graduation. A student needs to get a job as soon as possible after graduating to pay back all student loans and debts. The main question asked today is, â€Å"Is College really worth going into debt?† Kaycie Sonnier a freshman says, â€Å"It really depends on if you are going to college for a high paying career choice.† It is not that some majors are worthless, but that students have to face the reality of how they are going to pay back the money they have borrowed for their education. Many students enter college without knowing what degree they want to major in. Sonnier believes college is worth the debt you may possibly fall under. She believes there are rewards for going to college and finishing with a degree. Being able to get a high paying job right out of college will help pay off any loans taken out (Sonnier.) Student loans have helped many students be able to experience the college life without having to pay up front for tuition. To a large extent, debt is unavoidable, and some students graduate with some amount of it. Students like Joshua Sonnier who only completed two semesters of college says, â€Å"Hell no college is not worth going into debt.† Sonnier had the opportunity to get on at a job that did not require a college degree. â€Å"I work as a train conductor making more money than most people who do go to college. I got hired on and immediately started taking classes that my company paid for, passed my entire test and became a certified conductor. This did not cost me any money out of my pocket, and I do not have to worry about paying back any type of student loans† (Sonnier.) Some individuals feel like college is just a waste of money and time. There are definitely pros and cons when it comes to college. I think college can either be some of the best years of one’s life or it can be an absolute nightmare. College is all about how you make it. In the end having a diploma will absolutely be worth the debt that may come along throughout your journey through college. Works Cited Home page. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012. Web. 14 February 2013. Sonnier, Joshua. Personal Interview. 6 February 2013. Sonnier, Kaycie. Personal Interview. 6 February 2013.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


â€Å"I make mistakes, but I don’t have any regrets† (Kimbio). Kim Kardashian grew up the same way any other kid would although some major events played a role in making her into the person she is today. Some of the many accomplishments she has are her own perfume, a reality TV show with her family, clothing store, and etc. She’s not only known for her accomplishments though she also makes generous donations to charity. Kim is a role model to many different people due to the achievements and events she’s been through; she is one very strong supportive individual. In the beginning, no one really knew who the Kardashians were besides Kim’s dad Robert Kardashian, who was a prominent attorney. Robert Defended O.J Simpson in his murder trial of Nicole Brown Simpson and this is where the start of â€Å"The Kardashians† began (Top25). He also owned a marketing company in where Kim first worked. Kim’s parents always told her â€Å"I will buy you nice things, but once you turn 18 you are cut off† (KimKardashian). At one point Kim asked him for some money to buy shoes off the internet in which she sold to people she knew making profit. This is how her name got around and people started to ask her to redesign their closets. Robert Kardashian pushed Kim to exceed in life and that’s exactly what she did, he started her off on the right foot and she made him proud. Most importantly, Kim has accomplished so much in her life and still has big plans. Singer Brandy appeared on a â€Å"worst dressed† list which made her realize she needed change in her style so she went straight to Kim to be her personal stylist. After stars saw Brandy’s new style they asked Kim to redesign their closets too. With Kim’s great style she and her two sisters Kourtney and Kloe decide to open a cloths store called D-A-S-H. The store has been so successful they ope ned another one and are planning on a third location. Also, the Kardashian family has their own hit reality show called â€Å"Keeping up with the Kardashians† (KimKardashian). Having this show only opened more opportunities for the family. For instance, Kim was offered to pose in Playboy, she opened her own perfume line, competed on dancing with the stars, and now has her own workout DVD. People working out always think that if you’re curvey it automatically categorizes you as fat but Kim is a perfect role model because she reassures them by saying â€Å"You always see the typical skinny models and I’m not that, I’m proud not to be that† (Kimbio). This encourages girls positively that they don’t have to be stick skinny to be pretty. Everything that Kim has done has made her a very successful role model. She was born into a rich family but everything she has or has done was all on her own. Kim wasn’t handed everything from mommy and da ddy, she did it on her own which makes it inspiring because it shows people that you can have nothing to start with and work your way up to success. In Addition, Kim has never thought only about herself, she has helped many people out and inspired even more. In 2010 Kim’s earnings were the highest of any other reality star at $6 billion dollars, but instead of keeping it all to herself she donated 10% to charity (Kimbio). She has donated to many different foundations, trying to help as many individuals as possible. People these days are greedy and only care about themselves so to see her help the less fortunate says a lot about her. Also, to see her model as a woman with curves lets every girl know that you do not need to starve yourself to be gorgeous your curves are what make you gorgeous (Top25). Not only does she do for herself but for others around her, many people only do one or the other so to see her do both gives people hope that there are still caring individuals i n today’s society. In the end, seeing other people succeed like Kim has inspires people that anything is possible, you can be whoever you want and do anything you set your mind to. Everything Kim has, she has from her own success. She doesn’t sit around waiting for people to do something for her she does it on her own. A lot of girls think they need someone to support them but Kim is a perfect example on if you push yourself hard enough you can do anything you want. Work Cited â€Å"Kim Kardashian Biography.† Biography True Story. 2011. AE Television Networks. 31 Aug. 2011 http://www.biography.com/articles/kim-kardashian-450760 â€Å"Kim Kardashian Biography.† Sweet Lyrics. 2011. Go Daddy. 31 Aug. 2011 http://sweetlyrics.com/bio-Kim%20Kardashian.html â€Å"Top 25 Celebrities.† Celebrity central. 2011. CNN. 31 Aug. 2011 http://www.people.com/people/kim-kardashian/biography/0,,20185121,00.html

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Affirmative Action v. Quotas, disparate treatment and disparate Coursework

Affirmative Action v. Quotas, disparate treatment and disparate impact, employment at will - Coursework Example Quotas, on the other hand, refer to a set number or percentage for the representation of people of a given group. The main difference between affirmative action and quotas is that while affirmative action has no set minimum percentages for the representation of a protected group, quotas provide this. This makes quotas easier to monitor considered that the criteria for determining whether or not an institution has complied is predetermined. Disparate impact is easier to prove compared to disparate treatment. While disparate impact involves focuses on discriminatory consequences, disparate treatment looks at discriminatory intent. One would, therefore, suppose that it is easier to establish the consequences of discrimination than to establish the intention of discrimination. Proof of discriminatory motive does not, therefore, is not part of the disparate-impact theory. This implies that establishing the consequences of discrimination within an institution does not involve the contributions of an institution’s management as it is the case with establishing the motive behind discrimination. The employment-at-will doctrine refers to the common rule that an employment contract with no defined duration can be terminated by either the employer or the employee at any time without the party terminating the contract having to provide good reasons for doing so. This doctrine goes against the â€Å"good will† requirement advocated by employee unions. Unlike the at-will doctrine, the good will requirement supposes that employers need to demonstrate that it is for a good cause that they intend to terminate an employee’s