
Thursday, March 21, 2019

To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and The Flea by John Donne Essay

To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and The Flea by John DonneTwo of the poems in Best Words are subjection poems, rather thanlove poems. These are To his coy cyprian by Andrew Marvell and TheFlea by John Donne. Compare these two poems by analysing - Each poets intention kind of the poem Language used in the poem Your reaction to the unromantic poems.Let me non to the marriage of true minders/Admit impediments, love isnot love, is one of many famous love sonnets written by WilliamShakespeare. He had examined contrary parts of love and descried toexplain them in a sonnet where as other poets have written poems withdifferent forms and anatomical structure on their points of views almostrelationships and seduction. In my essay I intend to examine thesimilarities and differences in two different poems. They are, To hiscoy bawd by Andrew Marvell which is round time and The Flea byJohn Donne, to answer, Are these poems really dominant withseduction?Firstly one similarity betwe en Marvells To his coy mistress andDonnes The Flea is how they both have the same intention ofseducing their mistress. This is sh feature by oh stay, thee lives in oneflea spare and and like a shot, equivalent amorous birds of prey. It is evidentthat love is not a key feature of the poets relationship. Its morelike a balancing act of power between them. until now their mistressrefuses to succumb to their masters advantages, which lets the womenbe in control.This is seen by how in the seventeenth century, men had the say foreverything that happened, so the two versifier audition to seduce theirmistress. It is evident that the two authors go about it in differentways. In To his coy mistress by Marvell he... ...and Donne had generally similarideas, on how to bed their mistress. This is shown by sharing thesame, aim of the poem, through their very own mistress. Thesimilarities can be seen by the structure and language that are also.However if that was me in that position, I would t ried to out witDonne, by cover how his intellectual powers, wouldnt out mind mebecause I would try and lay what the poet was trying to do, sothat the poets intentions wouldnt of happened, as I would give birth sureI was in control of the relationship. Now I depart let you think ofsomething and that isWhat would you have done back in the 17thcentury? And what do you think of the poets back then now in the 21stcentury? Ill leave that to you to think about that and how women weretreated for the use of sex and not treated for their personality within that time period.

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